Friday, September 11, 2009


At first glance, people may form a certain impression of me. I appear to be timid, quiet, and passive. However, all these preconceived notions are incorrect, and as people get to know me, they slowly begin to realize that there is much more to me than the exterior implies. They find that I am a dedicated, passionate individual who puts her heart and soul into everything she truly cares about. And this, indeed, is very true. I am a perfectionist in many aspects of my life, and I hold high standards for myself. I put forth 110% effort into everything I do that truly matters to me, and perform tasks to the best of my abilities, meticulously finding ways to rule out all errors. This motivational ideology is applied in several areas of my life, ranging from academics to athletics to social relationships. For instance, I am an avid runner and ran competitively in track and cross country meets in high school. Although I no longer have the time to run inter-competitively, I still have made it a habit to run every day. Even though I run by myself for leisure, I approach my daily workout with a competitive attitude. I treat it as if I am still competing with someone: myself. I run the same route every day of the week, alternating routes each week, and make it a goal to improve my time every day, from Monday to Sunday. The passion for running and intense motivation that drove me to success in high school still fuels my athletic abilities even to this day. I am not pushing myself to run my hardest to prove anything to others, I am doing it to prove to myself that I have not lost my former abilities. Running is something I care about and therefore I put everything I have into it. Feeling a sense of personal fulfillment and satisfaction is what matters to me.

People might be reading this and thinking: ok, so what, who cares? They should care because the passion that I have for certain subjects is going to be conveyed in this blog. My focused nature and diligent work ethic can be projected into issues that I care about, which I will voice through this blog. The purpose of this blog is to outwardly project what I regularly wouldn’t in person. On the pages of this site, the quiet girl who lurks in the corner, overshadowed by others, no longer exists. I will be exposed for the opinionated, strong willed person that I am. Not to say that I have a strong opinion on every issue, but those that affect my daily life will be hit hard in my discussions. This blog will integrate the two personas I hold: the amicable, meek exterior, and the outspoken voice that lies within.

1 comment:

  1. Great Start here-- and I really like how you position yourself as flexible and social person who makes decisions about how your audience may view you.
